Next Dates: April 20th - 27th, 2024

Recycle Your Electronics!
Drop off your computers at City Hall. If you have a large load, please contact us first at 405-382-4330 ext 112.
See a list of items we accept by clicking here. We only accept the items listed as free.
Recycle Old Tires!
Take old tires to 901 A Street (behind the fire department).
Click here to learn more.

Participate in Clean Up!
It takes a village to make a town beautiful. We are asking individuals, businesses, organizations, families, friends, neighborhoods and other groups to celebrate Earth Day by participating in the week long event, The Great American Clean Up.
Our goal is to have volunteers on every street in Seminole, and we need all hands on deck.
1. Get a group together and adopt a street or area of Seminole.
2. Pick a time during the week of April 20th - April 27th to clean your adopted area.
3. Register your team online.
4. We provide trash bags, vests, and gloves for your team.
5. Go outside and clean the streets!
6. Report your results by clicking here.
How do we get our supplies?
Once The City receives the supplies, we will contact the volunteer listed on the registration to pick up supplies at City Hall.
What are some areas that need attention?
Sportsman Lake (cleaning, painting, trimming trees)
Seminole Downtown District
Is there a place to recycle E-Waste?
We have a drop off site for electronic recycling at City Hall. If you have a large load, please contact City Hall first at 405-382-4330 ext 113. We will take the dropped off items to Computer Nation. We will only take items listed as free. To see a list, please click here.
What do I do with my full trash bags?
There are several options:
-Use your own dumpster or poly-cart and allow Central Disposal to take them.
-You are allowed 3 extra bags of trash on the regular scheduled route at your home poly-cart. Just set them next to the polycart.
-Dumpsters are available behind the fire station on "A" Street on April 21st, 22nd, and 23rd.
Can we clean people's yards?
We are not allowed to go on private property.
Who do I contact if I have more questions?
You can contact our public information officer, Madison Streater, by calling the office at 405-382-4330 ext 113 or by emailing her at mstreater@seminole-oklahoma.net.