Seminole Fire Department was established in 1906 as a volunteer department and since this time has continued to grow. The Seminole Fire Department is a combination department with 20 paid personnel and up to 7 volunteers. The department is under the supervision of Chief Scott Childers. The department is made up of EMS Chief Merrick Ashby, 3 captains, 3 sergeants, 3 Lieutenants, 3 drivers, and 6 firefighters. The department is an Advanced Life Support (ALS) unit through the Oklahoma State Department of Health. Seminole Fire Department has 122 square miles of fire district and 256 square miles of EMS district.

You must notify the Fire Department to burn.
To get a burn permit,
please apply in person.

We partner with American Red Cross to install your smoke detectors. Please call the fire station for more details.